El bosque Kiehl's attention to personal care is also reflected in the social commitment of the brand, with initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life of the communities with which it interacts and the environment from which it draws its resources, with the idea that for "better citizens", "better brands" and "better communities" are needed. This year Kiehl's, historically committed to raising awareness and protecting the planet, decides to marry the cause of Treedom and offer a concrete contribution to the reforestation of ecosystems, for a more sustainable and green future. At the center of these activities will be the Kiehl's forest consisting of 380 avocado trees, a species very dear to the brand and a key ingredient of some of the brand's best sellers.
Leer más ImpactoLos árboles que plantamos tienen grandes ambiciones: benefician no solo al medioambiente, sino también a las personas que viven en él. Por eso trabajamos con las ONG y las comunidades locales para seleccionar el árbol adecuado, para el lugar adecuado y el propósito adecuado. Por eso pensamos a medio y largo plazo, porque no nos conformamos con plantar árboles: queremos hacerlos crecer.
Leer más Los árboles del bosque absorberán:
190,00 t* de CO₂