Medio Chiampo SpA

Medio Chiampo SpA

Medio Chiampo is a 100% state-owned company that manages the unified water service of the municipalities of Montebello Vicentino, Zermeghedo and Gambellara. The company manages a water supply and ...


Unsere Bäume werden fotografiert, geolokalisiert und verfügen über eine eigene Online-Seite, auf der Sie die Geschichte des Projekts verfolgen können, an dem er teilweise beteiligt ist.

Bäume gepflegt von

ivana rossi
ivana rossi
Stefania Malesan
Stefania Malesan
Enrico Zanconato
Enrico Zanconato
Roberto Stenco
Roberto Stenco
Alice Bevilacqua
Alice Bevilacqua
anonymous anonymous
anonymous anonymous
Tommaso Boscardin
Tommaso Boscardin
Patrizia Dalla Costa
Patrizia Dalla Costa


Zuletzt erstellter Wald

Acqua, specchio del futuro
Acqua, specchio del futuro

“Water, the mirror of the future”: these are the words we chose to identify our company. Taking care of the precious resource that is water means protecting our future because life cannot exist without it. Even a tree is a synonym of life: trees give us oxygen, a fundamental element for our existence - a tree’s breath allows us to breathe.This is why we adhered enthusiastically to the Treedom project. We believe that protecting our planet requires solid commitment, starting from small daily actions but also including projects that bring people together for a common cause; projects like adopting a tree from a distance and following its growth online for example, because even innovation and creativity can help the environment.


Gepflanzte Bäume


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