Turning Point School

Turning Point School

Turning Point School is an independent, co-educational day school enrolling students in Primary (2 years, 9 months) to Level 8. A nonprofit, nonsectarian institution, Turning Point School is governed by a board ...


I nostri alberi sono fotografati, geolocalizzati ed hanno una loro pagina online dove puoi seguire la storia del progetto di cui fa parte.

Alberi custoditi da

Chelsea Patterson
Chelsea Patterson
Kirsten Huppler
Kirsten Huppler
Ling-Li Dong
Ling-Li Dong
Philip Isles
Philip Isles
Charlotte Hennington
Charlotte Hennington
Mia Cabrera
Mia Cabrera
Alix Newman
Alix Newman
Loretta Gamboa
Loretta Gamboa


Ultima foresta creata

Turning Point forest
Turning Point forest

As stated in the Strategic Plan, one of the overarching goals of Turning Point School is to prepare students to thrive in a complex and global environment. This means looking beyond the walls of our school and considering how individual actions can influence and change the larger world around us. We have found that even the youngest of children are excited to explore other cultures, countries, and customs. Fostering and encouraging this natural curiosity is the first step towards creating responsible and engaged global citizens. We are thrilled to provide your family with this opportunity to explore how small, collective actions can make a big difference.


Alberi piantati

