Trench Group and HSP

Trench Group and HSP

The Trench & HSP Group is a world leader in power engineering and the design of specialized high voltage electrical products serving customers in the utility and industrial markets around the globe. Our prod...


I nostri alberi sono fotografati, geolocalizzati ed hanno una loro pagina online dove puoi seguire la storia del progetto di cui fa parte.

Alberi custoditi da

Alex Doutrelepont
Alex Doutrelepont
Fredi Belavić
Fredi Belavić
Julian Caletti
Julian Caletti
Marco Dornauer
Marco Dornauer
Melis Aliefendioglu
Melis Aliefendioglu
Tiago Santos Guimarães
Tiago Santos Guimarães
Alara Akzüz
Alara Akzüz
Gianmarco Russo
Gianmarco Russo


Ultima foresta creata

Trench & HSP Forest
Trench & HSP Forest

Welcome to the Trench & HSP Forest!With our broad portfolio of eco-friendly products for high voltage substations, Trench Group & HSP is committed to building a planet that is healthier, cleaner and greener.We are partnering with Treedom to plant trees in Kenya, so as our business partner and valued customer, you help to offset CO2 emissions, promoting biodiversity and supporting the development of the local people.This initiative is part of our REGENERATM concept - our commitment to offer our customers eco-sustainable products and services based on the 4Rs – REduce, REmove, REspect and REsearch. More information under www.weareregenera.comHelp us grow the Trench & HSP Forest. For our Now. For our Future.


Alberi piantati

