

Textkernel is a global leader in providing cutting-edge AI technology solutions to over 2,500 corporate and staffing organizations worldwide. Our expertise lies in delivering industry-leading multilingual parsin...


I nostri alberi sono fotografati, geolocalizzati ed hanno una loro pagina online dove puoi seguire la storia del progetto di cui fa parte.

Alberi custoditi da

Lindsay Howard
Lindsay Howard
Neil Hunsworth
Neil Hunsworth
Eveline De Munck
Eveline De Munck
Borja Monreal Tames
Borja Monreal Tames
Adams and Oliver
Adams and Oliver
Jo Drury
Jo Drury
Isla Smith
Isla Smith
Pallieter Koopmans
Pallieter Koopmans


Ultima foresta creata

The Textkernel Forest
The Textkernel Forest

Textkernel's forest is a step towards improving our environmental impact, contributing positively to our planet's well-being as we continue to connect people and jobs better. Together, we're not just planting trees—we're cultivating a future where technology and nature can thrive side by side. As a company rooted in innovative AI technology, we’re branching out with initiatives that support our core mission, encourage mindful growth, and nurture positive change. 


Alberi piantati

