Rotary E-Club Bavaria International

Rotary E-Club Bavaria International

Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and ...


I nostri alberi sono fotografati, geolocalizzati ed hanno una loro pagina online dove puoi seguire la storia del progetto di cui fa parte.

Alberi custoditi da

Siebe Stellingwerff Beintema
Siebe Stellingwerff Beintema
Ronald Hindmarsh
Ronald Hindmarsh
ivo henrichs
ivo henrichs
Hans-Iko Huppertz
Hans-Iko Huppertz
Philipp Wenner
Philipp Wenner
Dieter Schneider
Dieter Schneider
LeaPhiline null
LeaPhiline null
Sabine Kraft
Sabine Kraft


Ultima foresta creata

Forest of Rotary E-Club Bavaria International
Forest of Rotary E-Club Bavaria International

This forest is our contribution to #pledgetoplant, a challenge raised by the Rotary International President 2017/18, Ian Riseley. Sustainability is a matter very close to our hearts, so we partner with treedom to facilitate sustainable tree-planting and tree-farming projects throughout the world. With your tree you are now part of the forest family of Rotary E-Club Bavaria International. Together we will make this world a little better.


Alberi piantati

