Des arbres
Nos arbres sont photographiés, géolocalisés et disposent de leur propre page en ligne où vous pourrez suivre l'histoire du projet dans lequel il participe.
Arbres entretenus par
Les forêts
Hi Europe Groomies!Sustainability is a strategic imperative for Grooming. Our responsibility towards the planet extends beyond the work we do on the business, so this year we are partnering with Treedom in their agroforestry projects and enabling you to each choose a tree to plant as part of our P&G One Grooming Europe Forest.You can select among different types of trees to be planted in one of the following countries: Cameroon, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania, Colombia, Ecuador and Guatemala.Through our forest, we will not only be contributing towards biodiversity, CO2 absorption and supporting local farmers; but it will be a reflection of all the commitment, efforts and passion we put into the business & the environment, and our continuous growth as Europe One Grooming.We hope you are as excited as we are in the creation of our Forest!Happy Planting!
Planted trees
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