HE Space Operations

HE Space Operations

HE Space is an international contracting services company dedicated to the space sector.Our company is well-known for providing customized services to the European space market since 1982.We support businesses b...

Des arbres

Nos arbres sont photographiés, géolocalisés et disposent de leur propre page en ligne où vous pourrez suivre l'histoire du projet dans lequel il participe.

Arbres entretenus par

Elena Salgaro
Elena Salgaro
Anja Albermann-Bergener
Anja Albermann-Bergener
Steven Vantho
Steven Vantho
Anna Maria Giuliani
Anna Maria Giuliani
Nathalie Courcoux
Nathalie Courcoux
Nerea CSM
Nerea CSM
Ewelina Pozo Kedzior
Ewelina Pozo Kedzior
Ellen Boere
Ellen Boere

Les forêts

Dernière forêt créée

Trees 4 HE Space
Trees 4 HE Space

HE Space cares for you, our employees, and for our planet. We want to celebrate our 40-year company anniversary in 2022 with a special project, Trees 4 HE Space. This agroforestry project helps our planet stay green and supports local farmers in South America and Africa. Trees 4 HE Space supports:• Global CO2 absorption• Tree planting• Protection of biodiversity• Combat soil erosion and desertification• Local farmers as the funding for the tree goes directly to them• Training for the farmers• Extra income opportunities and empowerment for the farmersAs a gift for our 40th anniversary, every employee will receive their own fruit tree. It will be a surprise which tree you get. It could be a cocoa tree, mango, coffee or another fruit tree. Which tree you get and where it is located is decided by the current needs in the partner regions. You can name your tree, follow its growth and check its geolocation.As our company continues to grow, so too will our forest.We hope you like the idea and enjoy watching your tree thrive! 


Planted trees


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