The advertising agency FEDERKIEL & FRIENDS has been developing concepts and strategies for effective communication along the digital customer journey since 2003. We see ourselves as strategic consultant...

Des arbres

Nos arbres sont photographiés, géolocalisés et disposent de leur propre page en ligne où vous pourrez suivre l'histoire du projet dans lequel il participe.

Arbres entretenus par

GRC  Ingrid Heinisch
GRC Ingrid Heinisch
Christina Duschinski
Christina Duschinski
Andreas Schreiner
Andreas Schreiner
Theresa Stiglauer
Theresa Stiglauer
Renate Moser
Renate Moser
Marci Maric
Marci Maric
Florestan Teilken
Florestan Teilken
Andrea Ilg
Andrea Ilg

Les forêts

Dernière forêt créée


Trees are like successful customer acquisition and retention. First you have to sow in order to reap a harvest down the road. The more targeted your seed is planted in the right soil, the more fruit your work will bear. The customer relation must vegetate, take root, grow and be cared for, so that your harvest becomes a success. In order for us to make the most of the "real world" in these fast-paced days of digitalization, we want to build and maintain our corporate forest in Haiti together with you.With our Federkiel & Friends forest, we're binding CO2 and making a small contribution to our global climate while at the same time, supporting regional farmers.Join us, as our forest continues to grow over the next few years. Treedom will always keep you up to date with stories about your tree and its keepers. Let us surprise you!


Planted trees


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