Danone Waters

Danone Waters

NOTRE MISSION: Apporter la santé par l'alimentation au plus gran nombre.La volonté d’apporter la santé par l’alimentation est à l’origine de Danone. Isaac Carasso démarre en 1919 la fabrication de yaourts à part...

Des arbres

Nos arbres sont photographiés, géolocalisés et disposent de leur propre page en ligne où vous pourrez suivre l'histoire du projet dans lequel il participe.

Arbres entretenus par

Eryta Trisnayani
Eryta Trisnayani
Carla Rodriguez
Carla Rodriguez
Martina Nagore
Martina Nagore
Cristian Ciccone
Cristian Ciccone
Federico Rodriguez Panella
Federico Rodriguez Panella
Magdalena Zalewska
Magdalena Zalewska
Vincent Lucas
Vincent Lucas
Tracy Hua
Tracy Hua

Les forêts

Dernière forêt créée

R&I Waters Forest
R&I Waters Forest

Welcome the R&I Waters forest ! Each one of you are now a very important piece of this One Planet. One Health initiative. We are very happy to have all R&I Waters Danoners as part of this journey. Thanks to you, our forest will grow tall and healthy! Let's green the planet together!Our contribution, will support farmer communities finance tree plantations that are not yet productive, ensuring food autonomy and income opportunities over time.The R&I Waters forest will absorb CO2 in the course of their growth, generating a benefit for the entire planet. You can monitor and follow the story of your tree via photographies and geolocation. We hope you love this tree gift as much as we do. It's time now to make this planet a better and greener place.Thanks for being a part of it.


Planted trees


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