Des arbres
Nos arbres sont photographiés, géolocalisés et disposent de leur propre page en ligne où vous pourrez suivre l'histoire du projet dans lequel il participe.
Arbres entretenus par
Les forêts
What better analogy for our "Growing Together, for her, for life" than growing our own forest? It symbolizes the seeds we are planting to get a fruitful year and the care we are giving together to nurture the trees. As we see them growing, we reflect on how we are here to serve our consumers across lifestages, same as we are in this forest to serve the trees in their own lifestages.We are doing it together, because it takes a village to raise a child.Let this forest also symbolize our commitments and efforts towards environmental sustainability, as one of our lighting guides to navigate FY2021.
Planted trees
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