La forêt Leading stylish sustainable lifestyle magazine, pebble, has a whole new look and a raft of new features.After 3.5 years (and over 1 million readers) it was time for a lick of paint and pebble now has a shiny new face, more responsive design and an increased number of functions including recipe cards and commenting.More importantly, subscribers will now be able to help pebble plant trees in this forest, just by signing up to the weekly positive news email - and every 100th subscriber will get their own tree named and gifted to them! Founder, Georgina Wilson-Powell, says: “The world has changed hugely since 2016, and especially at the moment, it feels incredible to continue to invest in pebble’s growth. Our magazine has had such impact on readers, inspiring them to make changes in their everyday lives and pebble’s engaged community has become a family that makes a difference. Our evolution pushes us one step ahead again, to help more people embrace #EverydayActivism.”
En savoir plus ImpactLes arbres que nous plantons ont de grandes ambitions : être bénéfiques non seulement à l’environnement, mais aussi aux personnes qui y vivent. C’est pourquoi nous travaillons avec des ONG et des communautés locales pour sélectionner le bon arbre, au bon endroit, et pour le bon usage. C’est pour cela que nous réfléchissons à moyen et long terme, car nous ne nous contentons pas de planter des arbres : nous voulons les faire pousser.
En savoir plus Les arbres de la forêt absorberont :
37,00 t* de CO₂