La forêt In Davines, we have always believed that Beauty is our Responsibility.This is why we "arm" ourselves with Sustainability, to defend the great beauty that surrounds us, because we believe it is important to make our rhythms coincide with those of the universe.Where the encounter between Beauty, Sustainability and Concrete Commitment takes place, our roots sink.To celebrate this bond, Davines has created A Tree of You, a symbolic gesture with tangible participation:A Tree of You is born as an e-game that allows you to create a virtual tree, giving it a name that expresses your identity or the ideals you believe in.But it translates into a concrete gesture to protect the Italian forest heritage: beginning in September, thanks to Treedom, the first 500 virtual trees generated will sink their roots in Sicily.The Valley of the Alcantara River will be the frame of 500 pomegranate trees, which will come to life thanks to the precious help of the Carpe Diem Association - Together for Autism Onlus.The planting activities will favour socialization, through the work of young people suffering from autism spectrum diseases.
En savoir plus ImpactLes arbres que nous plantons ont de grandes ambitions : être bénéfiques non seulement à l’environnement, mais aussi aux personnes qui y vivent. C’est pourquoi nous travaillons avec des ONG et des communautés locales pour sélectionner le bon arbre, au bon endroit, et pour le bon usage. C’est pour cela que nous réfléchissons à moyen et long terme, car nous ne nous contentons pas de planter des arbres : nous voulons les faire pousser.
En savoir plus Les arbres de la forêt absorberont :
10,00 t* de CO₂