Six Senses Rome

Six Senses Rome

Six Senses Vision: To help people "Reconnect" with themselves, others and the world around them.Where do Connections come From?From a loud and passionate debate with friends, finding a colorful flower or ta...


Nuestros árboles están fotografiados, geolocalizados y tienen su propia página online donde poder seguir la historia del proyecto en el que participa.

Árboles cuidados por

Marco Valori
Marco Valori
Erick Guevara
Erick Guevara
Iustin Ungurianu
Iustin Ungurianu
myung badalotti
myung badalotti
Arianna Casnati
Arianna Casnati
Marzia S
Marzia S
Alexandra Grossen
Alexandra Grossen
Eloisa Bianchi
Eloisa Bianchi


Último bosque creado

Six Senses Rome Forest
Six Senses Rome Forest

What does Sustainability mean to US?We are RESPONSIBLE not only to our Guests or Hosts but also the local communities and ecosystems around us, maintaining and protecting wildlife and nature.Six Senses Sustainability is at the heart of our decisions and it actions our company. 


Arboles plantados


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