Philip Morris International

Philip Morris International

Philip Morris International is a leading international tobacco company, with a diverse workforce of around 71,000 people who hail from every corner of the globe.We are committed to being a great employer. We str...


Nuestros árboles están fotografiados, geolocalizados y tienen su propia página online donde poder seguir la historia del proyecto en el que participa.

Árboles cuidados por

Karen Kok
Karen Kok
Carolina Rodríguez Delfino
Carolina Rodríguez Delfino
Sam Antione
Sam Antione
Maria Gomez Lueso
Maria Gomez Lueso
Esra Arıkan
Esra Arıkan
Tugberk İncekas
Tugberk İncekas
Emre Emin Ekin
Emre Emin Ekin
Gokce Tulunay
Gokce Tulunay


Último bosque creado

World Clean Up Day 2022
World Clean Up Day 2022

At PMI we believe we can and should play a role in reducing waste from our products, that's why we're addressing the issue of littering by developing innovative solutions.Our commitment to change strengthens our aspirations of reducing post-consumer waste across our products, by implementing impactful strategies in four target areas: packaging, smoke-free electronic devices, cigarettes, and smoke-free consumables.As in previous years, in 2022 we had the opportunity to join the annual World Cleanup Day. From September 9-23 PMI employees contributed to demonstrating our commitment to addressing post-consumer waste through engagement, action and collaboration. Together we mobilized over 10,000 stakeholders across more than 60 markets!


Arboles plantados


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