Nuestros árboles están fotografiados, geolocalizados y tienen su propia página online donde poder seguir la historia del proyecto en el que participa.
Árboles cuidados por
IT’S OUR NATURE TO DO GOODJust as we care for the well-being of your skin, one of our core values is caring for the well-being of our planet.TREES—THE ORIGINS OF LIFEFrom the start, we’ve looked to trees for inspiration. Moved by their ancient wisdom, by their ability to maintain and regenerate themselves, millennia after millennia. As alive as we are, trees are powerful forces for good that ground and sustain us. That connect us to ourselves and to each other.DEEPLY ROOTEDFor over a decade, we’ve partnered with environmental non-profit organizations to support tree planting efforts around the world. And with every tree, we’ve grown our commitment to help restore ecosystems, benefit local communities and fight climate change.
Arboles plantados