MOLDINO Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

MOLDINO Tool Engineering Europe GmbH

MOLDINO Tool Engineering Europe is a leading precision tool manufacturer. Our innovative and extensive product range for die and mould construction has been developed in house, based on our decades of exper...


Nuestros árboles están fotografiados, geolocalizados y tienen su propia página online donde poder seguir la historia del proyecto en el que participa.

Árboles cuidados por

Florian Lang
Florian Lang
Victoria Lekawska
Victoria Lekawska
Dirk Hohenhoff
Dirk Hohenhoff
Rika Kuriyama
Rika Kuriyama
Stephanie DreilichSameiske
Stephanie DreilichSameiske
Johannes Zimmermann
Johannes Zimmermann
Timo Heimann
Timo Heimann
Kralj Mitja
Kralj Mitja


Último bosque creado

Moldino Forest
Moldino Forest

As a member of the Mitsubishi Materials Group, we support the principle of circular economy and resource conservation.With a view to the environment and sustainability of raw materials, we focus, among other things, on carbon recycling. In line with our corporate philosophy, "For people, society, and the earth," we are pleased to expand our commitment to environmental protection further in cooperation with Treedom. With the MOLDINO forest, we are contributing further to environmental protection while supporting local farmers to manage these trees with professional support from Treedom.


Arboles plantados


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