CompuSafe Data Systems AG

CompuSafe Data Systems AGLong-Term Supporter

Since 1989, CompuSafe Data Systems AG has been providing customized IT services and IT transformation for corporate customers in long-term business relationships based on partnership. Our deep understanding of t...
CompuSafe Data Systems AG es una plantadora a largo plazo

CompuSafe Data Systems AG ha elegido cultivar árboles con Treedom con un compromiso a largo plazo. Porque el compromiso con un mundo más sostenible y justo debe ser constante y duradero, al igual que el impacto positivo de nuestros proyectos agroforestales en todo el mundo.

Para maximizar los beneficios ambientales, sociales y económicos del cultivo de árboles, CompuSafe Data Systems AG es un Long-term Planter desde: febrero de 2023


Último bosque creado

CompuSafe Forest
CompuSafe Forest

Putting down roots together and thriving together is one of the goals we pursue when we hire new employees or offer already familiar faces new opportunities for the future. A company with so many different cultures and languages, comparable to a forest with the most diverse tree species. But it's never just the individual trees that matter, it's always the forest as a whole. That is why we - as a community - want to give something back to this earth, take a step against climate change, and support small farmers all over the world by planting trees that offer them added value. We are lucky and excited to see our team grow steadily and so should the trees in this world - also with a little support from us.


Arboles plantados


Cuidado por:


Nuestros árboles están fotografiados, geolocalizados y tienen su propia página online donde poder seguir la historia del proyecto en el que participa.

Árboles cuidados por

Markus Tippner
Markus Tippner
Nico Hockenbrink
Nico Hockenbrink
Alex May
Alex May
Isabell Musiol
Isabell Musiol
Lavinia Berger Berger
Lavinia Berger Berger
Hami Duong
Hami Duong
Kevin Metzdorf
Kevin Metzdorf
mats winroth
mats winroth