

24Bottles is the Italian design brand born in 2013 with the mission of unburdening the planet from disposable plastic bottles, providing a collection of carefully designed, high-quality, easy-to-carry, sustainab...


Nuestros árboles están fotografiados, geolocalizados y tienen su propia página online donde poder seguir la historia del proyecto en el que participa.

Árboles cuidados por

simona cavalleri
simona cavalleri
Simone Rossi
Simone Rossi
simone scuteri
simone scuteri
Tiziano Fabrizi
Tiziano Fabrizi
Michela Poluzzi
Michela Poluzzi
Irene Vandi
Irene Vandi
Laura Biral
Laura Biral
Press Team
Press Team


Último bosque creado

#myUniBottle by 24Bottles
#myUniBottle by 24Bottles

#myUniBottle is the reusable stainless steel bottle made by 24Bottles for the PLASTOP project promoted by the University of Bologna.The project aims to limit the use of plastic bottles within the University of Bologna's Community, also thanks to the installation of water fountains.25,000 Urban Bottle by 24Bottles customized with the University of Bologna's logo were distributed to all students enrolled in the first year.The #myUniBottle by 24Bottles forest was born to eliminate the CO2 emissions released into the atmosphere for the production, packaging and transport of the 25,000 #myUniBottle bottles, thus making the whole project completely sustainable.Furthermore, every time students reuse their 24Bottles; they save 0.08 kg eq of CO2, the same amount released for the production of a disposable plastic bottle.The adoption of the 25,000 #myUniBottle bottles will therefore allow the University of Bologna to save a minimum of 240,000 kg eq of CO2 in the first year alone.


Arboles plantados