El bosque In the world of JST, every single team member has an important role. We work hand in hand, support each other and live the spirit of JST. How does this work? Flat hierarchies and a corporate culture that not only focuses on trust and responsibility, but also really listens to the needs of the individual make it possible. So it is the employees and their view of our world that shape the careful treatment of our planet within the company. It is precisely this mindfulness that we would like to share with our customers. The JST forest brings us one step closer to this goal. With the forest project, we make a joint contribution to CO2 offsetting and offer additional perspectives to local farmers. Together we can show: Sustainability and resource conservation are more than just nice words. We share the vision that artist and peace activist Yoko Ono once put into words: "A dream you dream alone is just a dream. A dream you dream together is reality."
Leer más ImpactoLos árboles que plantamos tienen grandes ambiciones: benefician no solo al medioambiente, sino también a las personas que viven en él. Por eso trabajamos con las ONG y las comunidades locales para seleccionar el árbol adecuado, para el lugar adecuado y el propósito adecuado. Por eso pensamos a medio y largo plazo, porque no nos conformamos con plantar árboles: queremos hacerlos crecer.
Leer más Los árboles del bosque absorberán:
93,00 t* de CO₂