El bosque The Skechers DE forest was launched in September 2019 and comprises 450 trees. Trees are being planted in all existing Treedom projects worldwide and each tree contributes to global climate equalization. Behind each of the 450 trees there is a tree sponsor, a person invited by Skechers exclusively to accompany this tree as it grows up (digitally) and to make sure that the tree develops to the best it could, from tree nursery to the first fruit. In addition to this beautiful & sustainable gesture to the recipient, as well as the global CO2 balance, we also support the local farmers with the Skechers forest. They receive education and training, financial support for planting and can also use the harvest as a source of income.
Leer más ImpactoLos árboles que plantamos tienen grandes ambiciones: benefician no solo al medioambiente, sino también a las personas que viven en él. Por eso trabajamos con las ONG y las comunidades locales para seleccionar el árbol adecuado, para el lugar adecuado y el propósito adecuado. Por eso pensamos a medio y largo plazo, porque no nos conformamos con plantar árboles: queremos hacerlos crecer.
Leer más Los árboles del bosque absorberán:
131,90 t* de CO₂