El bosque Our trees are easy to establish: they grow in harsh environments and provide other tangible benefits in addition to photosynthesis. EUMETSAT is proud to sponsor the planting and care of trees throughout the African continent. We are planting, amongst others such as orange, lime and cashew trees:Moringa: a drought-resistant and multipurpose tree. The leaves, pods, and flowers are edible and nutritious; the seeds contain an aromatic oil and the seed press cake or powdered bark can be used for water purification.Markhamia: an important agroforestry tree. It is used as shade tree in crops such as banana, beans and maize, and as a wind break. It is useful for erosion control and soil conservation, and provides good mulch. Its beautiful flowers are a source of nectar for honey bees.Grevillea: this tree is easy to propagate and establish in low-fertility. In addition to their use as a soil mulch, its leaves are used by some farmers as a fodder supplement for cattle when other fodder sources are scarce.Tefrosia: this plant can be very useful for farmers as it can help improve soil fertility, rid pests from storage crops and livestock, and can be used as a pesticide on other crops in the field. It is a cheap solution for farmers without access to veterinary medicine, and can ensure protection of their domestic animals.
Leer más ImpactoLos árboles que plantamos tienen grandes ambiciones: benefician no solo al medioambiente, sino también a las personas que viven en él. Por eso trabajamos con las ONG y las comunidades locales para seleccionar el árbol adecuado, para el lugar adecuado y el propósito adecuado. Por eso pensamos a medio y largo plazo, porque no nos conformamos con plantar árboles: queremos hacerlos crecer.
Leer más Los árboles del bosque absorberán:
806,05 t* de CO₂