El bosque Solibri is a construction software company established in Finland. One of our core brand values is that of respecting and saving the environment in construction builds. Finland has more trees than inhabitants. Finland calls its forests ‘green gold’ in recognition of the importance they play to life and the economy. This supports the fact that Finland is recognized as Europe’s leading country in terms of tree density. With that in mind, the idea of planting more trees on a global scale makes perfect sense to Finns. As people, as a business and as part of the Nemetschek Group, we fully support re-forestation. In 2021, Finland has been listed as the ‘happiest country in the world’ for the 4th time in a row. Being close to nature and respecting our woodland is a major part of what makes us happy.
Leer más ImpactoLos árboles que plantamos tienen grandes ambiciones: benefician no solo al medioambiente, sino también a las personas que viven en él. Por eso trabajamos con las ONG y las comunidades locales para seleccionar el árbol adecuado, para el lugar adecuado y el propósito adecuado. Por eso pensamos a medio y largo plazo, porque no nos conformamos con plantar árboles: queremos hacerlos crecer.
Leer más Los árboles del bosque absorberán:
5,05 t* de CO₂