
Carbon Footprint Calculation

Quantify the carbon footprint of your business, identify areas for improvement and strategies to reduce emissions.

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Calculate your company's carbon footprint

In order to succeed in keeping the global temperature rise within 1.5°C, companies are also called upon to reduce their environmental impact. The first step is to calculate your carbon footprint, an estimate of the total amount of CO₂ emissions, both direct and indirect, related to your business activity.

This calculation must follow international rules and be auditable by third-party entities. That's why the framework used by Treedom is the Greenshouse Gas Protocol, an internationally recognized standard.

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How it works

How it works

Scope 1

Scope 1

Refers to direct GHG emissions produced within the company's perimeter, such as those from production facilities, company vehicles and industrial processes.

Scope 2

Scope 2

Includes indirect GHG emissions associated with the production of energy purchased and consumed by the company, such as those from the generation of electricity, heat or steam.

Scope 3

Scope 3

Includes indirect GHG emissions that occur upstream or downstream of the company's activities, such as those from the supply chain, product transportation, customer use of products, and waste management.

The steps of the carbon footprint calculation

Your company can supplement tree planting with a carbon footprint calculation service performed by our technical partner Up2You, the certified greentech and B Corp that creates customized solutions and pathways that make sustainability a tangible competitive advantage for companies.


We start the journey with a detailed analysis of your business, actively involving your team to fully understand your business activities.
Data collection

Data collection

We support you with intuitive and quick tools to collect the necessary data, simplifying the information acquisition process.
Carbon Footprint Calculation

Carbon Footprint Calculation

Through our calculation tool, we analyse your Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions to give you a clear view of your environmental impact.
GHG reporting and inventory

GHG reporting and inventory

We provide you with customised reports and detailed inventories of your greenhouse gas emissions, essential tools for communicating your commitment and joining global sustainability initiatives such as SBTi and B Corp.