

We are a modern chemical-pharmaceutical company, founded on the history and values of an Italian family owned enterprise, with ambitious plans for growth.


Our trees are photographed, geolocalized and have their own online page where you can follow the history of the project they are part of.

Trees cared for by

gianpiero lombardi
gianpiero lombardi
Olivia Varisco
Olivia Varisco
Laura Meneghetti
Laura Meneghetti
Lucia Virtú
Lucia Virtú
Daniela Riboldi
Daniela Riboldi
Claudinei Mattos
Claudinei Mattos
Sara Menin
Sara Menin
David Guimarães
David Guimarães


Last created forest

Zambon Digital School
Zambon Digital School

We want to contribute to create a better, more sustainable and green world. We want to do it together with our people, with simple and concrete actions that also pass through the smart use of digital technologies.By training with your "digital school" you help Zambon to plant a tree and support the project of a forest in the world.Train as much as you can, you will contribute to supporting our project!#innovationattitude“Queremos contribuir para criar um mundo melhor, mais sustentável e verde.Faremos isso com nossos colaboradores, realizando ações simples e concretas através do uso inteligente das tecnologias digitais. Ao utilizar o Digital School você ajudará a Zambon a plantar uma árvore e apoiará o projeto “Uma floresta no mundo.” Treine o máximo que puder, esse projeto depende de você!#innovationattitude #atitudedigital” 


Planted trees


Looked after by: