

WeTransfer has always looked at creativity a little differently, whether it’s designing intuitive tools to get ideas on the move or building big, beautiful ads that don’t get in the way. We believe creativity ha...


Our trees are photographed, geolocalized and have their own online page where you can follow the history of the project they are part of.

Trees cared for by

Eveline Oude Ophuis
Eveline Oude Ophuis
Bas Moerland
Bas Moerland
Robbie Kerr
Robbie Kerr
Julia Andrzejewska
Julia Andrzejewska
Jeff Sen
Jeff Sen
Joanna Theodorou
Joanna Theodorou
Suzanne Hermans
Suzanne Hermans
Joe Mier
Joe Mier


Last created forest

McPartners x WeTransfer
McPartners x WeTransfer


Planted trees