Our trees are photographed, geolocalized and have their own online page where you can follow the history of the project they are part of.
Trees cared for by
RADARLAND is our contribution for the planet Earth. It was born as an environmental initiative, in order to reduce the CO2 and to protect our planet as well.Until today we have cultiveted talents, but now we are planting a whole forest, dedicating a tree for any student who signs up to our Master.Our period is showing us that our planet is thirsty of wellness.The actual race for progress and for the consumption, the speed of the human processes devolopment, have caused the need of a urgent strategy for curbing climate change.The planet Earth must be protected and all actions have to be taken immediately. This is a call that all international organisations are screaming for a long time.For these reasons even Radar Academy had chosen to give its contibution, convinced that the dedication for a more sustainable future should be as much as possible shared.
Planted trees
Looked after by: