

Quadro is a philosophy. Behind every object there’s a story and behind every story there’s a person. We fall in love with our products, their stories and the stories of those who have produced them and continue ...


Our trees are photographed, geolocalized and have their own online page where you can follow the history of the project they are part of.


Last created forest


Since the foundation of our company we have always believed that a better-kept planet and therefore its environment can help the people that live in it: our products last longer, reducing the creation of waste. This year we decided to sustain this philosophy by planting the necessary trees to reduce the emissions that - being a manufacturer - we produce every year. With the help of Treedom, we created the Quadrodesign forest. Our aim is to increase the number of plants within the next months. The trees planted by Treedom are planted in agroforestry projects that promote virtuous interaction among different species and sustainable use of resources and land. Cover photo by Alecio Ferrari 


Planted trees