

PBfinestre is a company based in the Marche region in Terre Roveresche.Design and innovation characterise PBfinestre and, even more, the trademark of its style is given by the attention to environmental sensitiv...


Our trees are photographed, geolocalized and have their own online page where you can follow the history of the project they are part of.

Trees cared for by

luciano degl'innocenti
luciano degl'innocenti
PB Finestre
PB Finestre


Last created forest


PBforesta is the place of birth and growth, of an environment that wants to be the symbol of environmental sustainability through human work.PBfinestre strongly wishes to be part of those companies that finance small agroforestry projects and does so according to the specific characteristics and needs of the geographical area in which the PBforesta is located: Kenya.The initial contribution of 200 trees allows us to express our commitment to revive those areas of our planet where this contribution can make a difference. Our forest is populated with Macadamia, Cedar, Tritomato and Marcamia trees. Choosing Treedom was simple: we share the values and operating methods of this organization, in support of farmers who receive know-how and technical support, to make our trees grow better, as well as help in the early years of tree unproductivity.


Planted trees


Looked after by: