Marzocchi Pompe S.p.A.

Marzocchi Pompe S.p.A.


Our trees are photographed, geolocalized and have their own online page where you can follow the history of the project they are part of.

Trees cared for by

Michela Morara
Michela Morara
Andrea De Amicis
Andrea De Amicis
sergio lepore
sergio lepore
Eleonora Truzzi
Eleonora Truzzi
Michele Casarini
Michele Casarini
Elio Piazzolla
Elio Piazzolla
marco sentimenti
marco sentimenti


Last created forest

La Foresta Marzocchi Pompe S.p.A.
La Foresta Marzocchi Pompe S.p.A.

Marzocchi Pompe S.p.A. (EGM:MARP), a Bolognese company leader in the design, production and marketing of high-performance gear pumps and motors based in Zola Predosa and Casalecchio Di Reno, supports the Treedom project and begins the creation of its own corporate forest in line with the Group's ESG objectives. Not only will the Marzocchi Pompe Forest play a crucial role in the reabsorption of carbon dioxide, but being composed of fruit trees, donated to the local community, it will also promote the latter's sustainability in terms of social and financial benefits and not only environmental ones.The first trees in the Marzocchi Pompe Forest are donated to employees at Christmas 2022 who will be its first custodians. The wish is to enlarge the size of our Forest more and more as the years pass so that the environmental, social and economic impact increases and makes a local difference for the communities that will care for it.Although physically far away, this Forest is closer than ever to our hearts and ever present in our minds.Let's Green This Planet Together!


Planted trees


Looked after by: