

Kettydo+ is a digital consultancy that works at the intersection of technology, design, and marketing with work spanning web, mobile, social, retail, product innovation, brand development, and business consultin...


Our trees are photographed, geolocalized and have their own online page where you can follow the history of the project they are part of.


Last created forest

Youser Green Tech
Youser Green Tech

Kettydo+ has activated a sustainability program to offset the CO2 emissions produced by the implementation and management of the projects that manage the company's technological technologies. Thanks to the partnership with Treedom, brands that implement YouserXP, YouserENGAGE, and YouserFLYER solutions, will contribute to reduce CO2 and will support the environment through the oxygen produced by new trees planted. Each Kettydo+ customer has the opportunity to plant new cocoa trees in Cameroon which will be donated to local farmers with a double value: each tree compensates about 50kg of CO2 per year and, thanks to the harvest, contribute to the livelihood of the Cameroonian communities for at least 10 years. "Youser forest" has already started to compensate approximately 11,000 kg of CO2 per year and Kettydo+ with the creation of its forest continues its path towards a more sustainable business.


Planted trees