

Ecoservim ha una lunga storia, iniziata negli anni Settanta a Reggio Emilia grazie all’intraprendenza di Matteo Bonini che ha avviato una piccola azienda in grado di offrire servizi di termoidraulica in città. O...


Our trees are photographed, geolocalized and have their own online page where you can follow the history of the project they are part of.


Last created forest

La Foresta di Ecoservim
La Foresta di Ecoservim

The trees planted in our Ecoservim's forest are the real symbol of the commitment that the company takes to the planet. We feel deeply responsible for our actions and believe that it is right to focus on ethical and sustainable policies that can help other communities to grow and manage themselves. This is why we follow Treedom’s manifesto: "We believe that communities of people living in one place are the best stewards of trees, so we support them financially and help them plant and grow trees on their land. The trees will benefit them, the place where they live and the whole planet."


Planted trees