C.Lean Care S.r.l. has chosen to grow trees with Treedom with a long-term commitment. Because the commitment to a more sustainable and fairer world must be constant and lasting, just like the positive impact of our agroforestry projects around the world.
To maximise the environmental, social and economic benefits of growing trees, C.Lean Care S.r.l. is a Long-term Planter since: May 2023
Our trees are photographed, geolocalized and have their own online page where you can follow the history of the project they are part of.
Trees cared for by
Let's turn our planet green!Attraverso un'idea semplice ma efficace. Piantiamo un albero e te lo doniamo, sarà solo tuo e lo potrai seguire nella sua crescita facilmente online e grazie alla sua geolocalizzazione lo potrai quasi "vivere". In questo modo sosteniamo insieme progetti di sostenibilità ambientale, economica e sociale.Un albero per far crescere la prima foresta di C.Lean Care.
Planted trees
Looked after by: