The Forest
PHARMAP 2021 connects the pharma manufacturing and packaging experts to contribute to further development of ongoing pharmaceutical trends and move sustainability in pharma forward.To help create a greener world and better air quality to breathe for our next generation to come we planted PHARMAP 2021 forest. Each Congress participant has their own tree that will help to reduce the effect of carbon emissions, protect biodiversity and support the local economy! Follow the growth of your tree and of the CO2 amount it captures.Thank you for joining us and working towards a greener future together!
The trees we plant have big ambitions: to bring benefits not only to the environment, but also to the people who live in it. That's why we work with NGOs and local communities to select the right tree for the right place and the right purpose. That’s why we think about the medium and long term, because we’re not content with simply planting trees: we want to see them grow.
The trees in the forest will absorb:
2.75 t* of CO₂