The Forest
With the Auren Forest Auren is setting an example for community and growth. The Auren Forest benefits many. Be it the small farmer, who receives extra income and is able to feed himself and his family more easily, or animals, which have a more beautiful habitat, or because trees produce the oxygen that we need to live and breathe. Enjoy it with us. Since a joy that is shared is a joy made double - The Auren Forest is an initiative of the various Auren sites.
The trees we plant have big ambitions: to bring benefits not only to the environment, but also to the people who live in it. That's why we work with NGOs and local communities to select the right tree for the right place and the right purpose. That’s why we think about the medium and long term, because we’re not content with simply planting trees: we want to see them grow.
The trees in the forest will absorb:
47.85 t* of CO₂