
Offsets your company's emissions

Adopt sustainable practices to reduce corporate emissions, and offset any remaining emissions through the acquisition of carbon credits.

Complete the form, and one of our experts will get in touch with you within 24 hours

What compensation means

It is critical to address greenhouse gas emissions through a two-pronged strategy: directly reducing emissions and offsetting residual emissions. With Treedom, your company can start by adopting sustainable practices to actively reduce its environmental impact in the short and long term.

In a second step, through offsetting CO₂ emissions, your company can balance any unavoidable residuals and contribute to the fight against climate change. Acquiring carbon credits not only helps offset pollution, but also creates the conditions for greater uptake, offering a practical and authoritative approach to combating climate change.

Complete the form, and one of our experts will get in touch with you within 24 hours

How it works

A tailor-made solution for your company

Emissions analysis

Emissions analysis

We perform an in-depth analysis of your CO2 emissions, identifying sources and quantifying their overall impact.

Solution design

Solution design

Based on our analysis, we offer you solutions tailored to your specific needs, aiming to reduce and offset your carbon emissions.

Planting and emitting credits

Planting and emitting credits

We create your corporate forest and issue your Gold Standard certified carbon credits.

Sustainable solutions

Trees are essential for absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere, but this process takes time, a resource we are short of. To gain it by juxtaposing tree planting with short-term strategies such as cooking stoves.
Gold Standard credits

Gold Standard credits

You can choose to absorb your CO2 emissions with Gold Standard-certified credits from clean cooking stoves implemented by the NGO AVSI in Burundi and Mozambique. More efficient systems with safer fuels dramatically reduce wood and coal consumption by up to 60 percent.
Agroforestry systems

Agroforestry systems

Trees are valuable allies in the fight against climate change because they produce oxygen and absorb CO2, trapping it in their trunks, branches and roots. In doing so, they improve air quality and help lower temperatures by removing CO2 from the atmosphere.