

Skyscanner is a leading global travel search site, providing instant online comparisons for millions of flights on over a thousand airlines, as well as car hire and hotels.We've been in the travel business for 1...


Unsere Bäume werden fotografiert, geolokalisiert und verfügen über eine eigene Online-Seite, auf der Sie die Geschichte des Projekts verfolgen können, an dem er teilweise beteiligt ist.

Bäume gepflegt von

Philip Lee
Philip Lee
Katrina Fleming
Katrina Fleming
Giordana Giambanco
Giordana Giambanco
Filippo De Matteis
Filippo De Matteis
Filippo De Matteis
Filippo De Matteis
Sara Izzi
Sara Izzi
Vernice Heng
Vernice Heng
Elisa Domínguez
Elisa Domínguez


Zuletzt erstellter Wald


Skyscanner people, Christmas is here once again! And we’d like to take this chance to share a small gift to say a big thank you to everyone in the team, and invite you to take part in a project we really care about. This year, wouldn’t it be lovely if our Christmas trees were a little less “ours” and a little more “theirs”? If we could dedicate our Christmas trees instead to our planet and those that need them the most? Thanks to our partner Treedom, each of us will have his own fruit tree, as a part of our Skyscanner Forest in Africa. We just loved the idea.  We hope you appreciate this little gift – and watching your tree grow!  Merry Christmas!


Gepflanzte Bäume


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