NewYa - Consulting & Training

NewYa - Consulting & Training

NewYa has been founded in 2013 in Città di Castello, Umbria, on the basis of more than 20 years of experience of the founding members Marco Iacono and Graziella Santinelli in finance and fashion design.In a shor...


Unsere Bäume werden fotografiert, geolokalisiert und verfügen über eine eigene Online-Seite, auf der Sie die Geschichte des Projekts verfolgen können, an dem er teilweise beteiligt ist.

Bäume gepflegt von

Mattia Iacono
Mattia Iacono
Anastasia Zamoshanskay
Anastasia Zamoshanskay
Graziella Santinelli
Graziella Santinelli
Caterina Busillo
Caterina Busillo
Marco Nutrica
Marco Nutrica
Andrea Ulgelmo
Andrea Ulgelmo
adriana magaldi
adriana magaldi


Zuletzt erstellter Wald

NewYa Xmas Project
NewYa Xmas Project

Christmas is coming and with it all the dusty boxes full of decorations for your tree. But the colours are faded away, the lights blown out and the branches are bared of all the greener leaves. This doesn’t look like the tree you had imagined: the tree you want is tall, strong and thriving. The tree you want is free to grow and to give joy to your home, to the people who enjoy its shade and to your whole planet, which gently benefits from it. The tree you want is one among a thousand, part of a forest that pulsates like a single big green heart.This year the tree you want, you have it: thanks to Treedom we could dedicate you a special gift to thank you and to make the magic of Christmas finally leave from our houses and grow luxuriantly in NewYa’s Christmas forest.Our team wishes you a Merry Christmas and thanks you for taking part in this precious project.And do not forget to watch your tree growing!


Gepflanzte Bäume


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