IBF International Consulting

IBF International Consulting


Unsere Bäume werden fotografiert, geolokalisiert und verfügen über eine eigene Online-Seite, auf der Sie die Geschichte des Projekts verfolgen können, an dem er teilweise beteiligt ist.

Bäume gepflegt von

Alicia Castillo Garcia-Andrade
Alicia Castillo Garcia-Andrade
Frédéric ANDRE
Frédéric ANDRE
George Mihael
George Mihael
Agnes Nyikon
Agnes Nyikon
chiara giusti
chiara giusti
Celeste Estrella
Celeste Estrella
Sana Farhani
Sana Farhani


Zuletzt erstellter Wald

IBF's International Forest
IBF's International Forest

IBF International Consulting is proud to have its own forest, another impactful step in growing a sustainable future together. The idea of IBF's first forest came as a result of our 45 Years Party in Bodrum, Turkey, to offset for staff's flights. We have committed to plant 200 trees, one for each employee (and a few extras) in 4 different countries worldwide, to reflect our international character: Ghana, Madagascar, Nepal and Ecuador.We plan to further grow our forest and plant many more trees in the next years, hoping to create a much bigger positive environmental impact.


Gepflanzte Bäume


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