Bristol Myers Squibb Italia

Bristol Myers Squibb Italia

Bristol Myers Squibb è un’azienda bio-farmaceutica globale, la cui mission è scoprire, sviluppare e rendere disponibili farmaci innovativi che aiutino i pazienti a combattere gravi malattie. Abbiamo una sto...


Unsere Bäume werden fotografiert, geolokalisiert und verfügen über eine eigene Online-Seite, auf der Sie die Geschichte des Projekts verfolgen können, an dem er teilweise beteiligt ist.

Bäume gepflegt von

Antonella Giordano
Antonella Giordano
Diego Vanni
Diego Vanni
Marianna Bracaglia
Marianna Bracaglia
Jolle Gosselain
Jolle Gosselain
Luisa Di Tuoro
Luisa Di Tuoro
Flavia Rocco
Flavia Rocco
giuseppe marti
giuseppe marti


Zuletzt erstellter Wald

Building More Stories in Hematology
Building More Stories in Hematology

The Building More Stories in Hematology Forest was born in support of Bristol Myers Squibb's commitment to environmental sustainability and to offset part of our CO2 emissions: up to 100 trees will be planted within 2023 to support multiple forest projects around the world with a significant impact both environmental and social for the local communities involved. As a leading biopharmaceutical company, we are aware of our commitment to patients, our employees, our community and our planet.


Gepflanzte Bäume