Unsere Bäume werden fotografiert, geolokalisiert und verfügen über eine eigene Online-Seite, auf der Sie die Geschichte des Projekts verfolgen können, an dem er teilweise beteiligt ist.
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Let's be straight with you. At ACCNITE, we don't believe in carbon offsetting. First and foremost, we believe it is everyone's responsibility to strive towards reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. It sounds harsh but this is not about the planet, it is about us and our future generations. The planet will still be there. It would just be much less hospitable if we don't act now.Yet, when we came across Treedom, we immediately jumped on the opportunity. We would like to make a small contribution to the concept of combining environmental, economic and social benefits. Equally, we love a good idea, well executed with a great UX. It all resonates well with what we at ACCNITE are all about.We have dedicated one of our trees in our ACCNITE inSocial forest to you - We hope you enjoy watching it grow. Thank you for partnering with us.
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