Der Wald DGA GROUP ITALIA is a beacon about long term car rental sector for its far-sightedness and respect for the Planet's resources. Long term car rental is an excellent way to respect the environment through the circular economy process based on the continuous recovery of the value of products. Sustainable mobility is at the heart of the corporate vision; most of our promotions include the electric scooter. We also boast a lot of hybrid and electric cars. The business model is focused on sustainability and offsetting the CO2 produced. The attention and commitment to an increasingly aware exploitation of nature has led to the birth of DGA Concept Store, a company focused on the marketplace of used cars to be used for a "second life". The "DGA GROUP ITALIA" forest was created to make a real contribution to reforestation operations and to demonstrate to its customers the importance that trees have for the ecosystem. The location of DGA GROUP ITALIA forest is Haiti.
Mehr lesen AuswirkungenDie Bäume, die wir pflanzen, haben große Ziele: Sie sollen nicht nur der Umwelt helfen, sondern auch den Menschen, die in ihr leben. Deshalb arbeiten wir mit NGOs und lokalen Gemeinschaften zusammen, um den richtigen Baum für den richtigen Ort auszuwählen. Wir denken mittel- und langfristig. Denn wir geben uns nicht damit zufrieden, einfach nur Bäume zu pflanzen: Wir wollen sie wachsen sehen.
Mehr lesen Die Bäume im Wald absorbieren:
103,20 t* CO₂