Der Wald Every person on the planet has the power to do good and contribute to improve, even if its in
only a small bit, the wellbeing of what surrounds them and sometimes, even beyond.
At Universidad Europea we strongly believe this – and we encourage our students, during their
time with us, to build on abilities that will make them stronger not only in the intellectual and
professional dimensions, but also in the social and ethical ones.
This forest, spread around the globe, is aimed to become a symbol of what we are, as a
community and as an institution. Each tree is owned by an Alumni, that will be able to follow its
progress online. And is not only a green seed for the planet, but also a boost for the community
in which it´s planted and for the farmer that will take care of it. A small gesture that changes
lives and improves the planet. Go Beyond.
Mehr lesen AuswirkungenDie Bäume, die wir pflanzen, haben große Ziele: Sie sollen nicht nur der Umwelt helfen, sondern auch den Menschen, die in ihr leben. Deshalb arbeiten wir mit NGOs und lokalen Gemeinschaften zusammen, um den richtigen Baum für den richtigen Ort auszuwählen. Wir denken mittel- und langfristig. Denn wir geben uns nicht damit zufrieden, einfach nur Bäume zu pflanzen: Wir wollen sie wachsen sehen.
Mehr lesen Die Bäume im Wald absorbieren:
278,15 t* CO₂